gTLDs List

Legacy gTLDs
These are the original gTLDs and sTLDs and their current purpose of use as certain sponsored TLDs are now open registration.

gTLD Intended Use Availability
.aero the air transport industry. Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.asia companies, organizations and individuals in the Asia-Pacific region Restricted to SE Asia
.biz business use Open Registration
.cat Catalan language/culture Restricted to Catalonia
.com commercial organizations, but unrestricted Open Registration
.coop cooperatives Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.edu U.S. post-secondary educational establishments Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.gov U.S. government entities at the federal, state, and local levels Restricted to U.S. Government & Departments
.info informational sites, but unrestricted Open Registration
.int international organizations established by treaty Restricted
.jobs employment-related sites Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.mil the U.S. military Restricted
.mobi sites catering to mobile devices Open Registration
.museum museums Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.name families and individuals Open Registration
.net originally for network infrastructures, now unrestricted Open Registration
.org originally for organizations not clearly falling within the other gTLDs, now unrestricted Open Registration
.pro All professionals worldwide Open Registration
.tel services involving connections between the telephone network and the Internet Open Registration
.travel travel agents, airlines, hoteliers, tourism bureaus, etc. Restricted to Accredited Industry Members
.xxx pornography Open Registration

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