• Domain Names,  General

    The Extension Agnostic

    I’ll start with what a lot of people will consider a fairly radical statement, though those in the know should probably agree – “Extensions are less relevant than the keyword of the domain”. I’ll take Exhibitions.ws over ExcellentTopExhibitions.com any day…

  • Domain Names,  General

    The Different Types of Domainers

    There are quite a few approaches to domains and domaining that domainers take. Its like the stock market or real estate market to a certain extent, everyone has their own strategy and most of them pay well for their proponents.…

  • Domain Names,  General,  Technology

    The Great American Snowe Job

    A new bill currently seeking passage in the US senate is trying to surreptitiously change the face of the domain industry and extend American ‘ownership’ on the web. You and me stand to lose any domain we own, developed, undeveloped,…