• Domain Names,  General,  newgTLDs

    Is your domain name real?

    You want to buy the perfect keyword domain name for your website but you realize even the most obscure ccTLDs for that exact term have been registered. So you look around for other opportunities that will allow you have the…

  • Domain Names,  General

    Domain names are still important

    Domain names are more important than ever and here’s why… The info clutter online has reached a mind numbing cacophony. Sometimes it feels that there are more websites online than people. But that’s not true, yet. Additionally, filter bubbles abound,…

  • Domain Names

    Parking is Dead

    Parking died in 2007, transparency is not going to fix the revenue drop, not now, not ever. In this industry all the top guys get sweeter deals than the regular guys, I guess we’re all well aware of this fact.…

  • Domain Names,  newgTLDs

    Forget Domains, buy a TLD!

    ICANN’s Paris conference has thrown up some interesting ideas and questions, chief among them has been the possibility of introducing thousands of new TLDs on a pay and play basis. This BBC News Story has the crux of the issue.…

  • Domain Names

    The World's Biggest Domain Name Deal

    Unknown to me, since I was somewhere between San Francisco and Icheon at the time, a deal went down on the 15th of May that will shape the future of the web considerably. CBS acquired C|Net for $1.6 Billion. This…