Domain Names,  General

Free Domain Name Appraisals

Everyone tries to help newcomers with understanding what makes a domain valuable to start with. But after a while, it gets on your nerves, specially the two or three persistent guys who insist on using you as a their personal ‘free domain name appraisal‘ system.

I’m happy to help once in a while but please don’t make it a habit. I’d rather use my time to sell my domains instead of helping you buy from other people, its nothing personal, just business. And we all have only 24 hours in a day, contrary to popular belief. 😉

If you’re casually asking, use a free community domain appraisal, might not get you the results you’re looking for but at least it will get you an overview of what people think of your domain. There are even some excellent auto domain appraisal systems, reading the output from them of course needs a modicum of understanding.

If you really need an exclusive appraisal for each domain, consider paying for it, there are more than a few available services:

There are tremendous resources and guides online and if one really wants to learn, a couple of months of reading will help them identify what is and what isn’t valuable. Though at the end of the day, domain value is really totally subjective to the buyer.

Samit Madan is an advertising professional with almost three decades of experience. He's known as the MediaWizard due to his expertise in advertising & marketing. He currently heads MediaWiz, a leading Media Company.


  • Robert

    I have several domain names I have aquired and recentley listed them for sale on Sedo. I had a gentleman contact me that is interested in several if not all of them. However he is insistant on having a very expensive domain name appraisal done on them before he would buy them. He said that a 29.00 appraisal would not be good enough. He is more aless saying that you need to spend at least $100.00 to get a good accurate appraisal. Could you please give me your input or suggestion on this matter. I can’t afford to be paing out that kind of money at least right now. I am a disabled veteran living check to check. I just started trying to sell domain names a couple weeks ago to make a little extra money for Christmas. Is this a reasonable request he is making ?

    • mediawizard

      No Robert, this is commonly known as the ‘appraisal scam’ – please look it up on Google.

      The aim of this person is not to buy your domains but to charge you for the appraisal itself and disappear.

      DO NOT PAY ANYONE FOR APPRAISALS, top buyers buying high end names get appraisals done for themselves if necessary, they don’t ask the seller for appraisals.